Eularee Smith
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Entries in boomer (1)


The Comeback Kid

As I look ahead to round three of a six cycle chemo treatment of Gemzar and Carboplatin, I must admit that I am beginning to feel human again. From my bed to my office has been a slow process, only managing a few hours a day, but certainly giving me a sense of purpose besides sleep. Thank goodness, Baseball was there to keep me sane, through hours of mindless television.

I have yet to establish what side effects are present from this chemo treatment. Both drugs are administered on Day 1, then just Gemzar on Day 8 and then three weeks from Day 1 we begin the next cycle for a total of six go arounds. The chemo in 2015 was weekly, with the Carboplatin delivered on week 3. I managed the weekly Taxol treatments fairly well, but the Carboplatin would knock me out for a few days with headaches, extreme fatigue, lack of appetite and flu like body symptoms. I could count on these side effects and generally plan accordingly.

This chemo cycle has been so fraught with other unforseen issues, that I hesitate to point to anyone of them to say this is why I feel lousy. Guess I just feel lousy. My doctors keep telling me that I am in such great health, except for the cancer. Now that these issues seem to be under control, round three may reveal what is truly chemo related side effects. 

With the port now neatly inserted under my left chest wall, I face tomorrow's stick me adventure with less intrepidation. Blood will still have to be drawn from my exhausted veins but the chemo IV should be a piece of cake through the new port. The surgery was as fast as eyes shut, eyes open. A few aches and pains the next couple of days at the surgery site, but in comparison to what I have been through, it was nothing to write home about. 

Here is what I know. I survived the last two months against the odds. The Cubbies went seven to win the World Series after 108 years against the curse. I am writing again. Life is good. I am still ahead of the count and the fat lady is still not singing, Cancer. Wait till next year!